A historic new report from Energy Watch shows we can reach 100% renewable energy in just a few decades, and it’s affordable; making this the clear answer to tackling climate change.
As thousands take to the streets, from Fridays for Future to Extinction Rebellion, the world’s commitment to tackling climate change has never been under such sharp focus. Nations have committed to prevent runaway climate change, in theory, but anxiety is clearly rising from citizens across the globe that time is running out.
With the call for ‘climate action’ louder than ever, why is it yet to get immediate mainstream political traction? There are no doubt many reasons, but one is simply this: it’s a matter of communications. The ask has been too big, too multifaceted and simply not positive nor concrete enough for everyone to rally around, and, yes, there’s been an absence of clear vision.
The Green New Deal movement in the US and UK has made some headway of late, laying out an economic framework for wide spread green infrastructure investment; but arguably it lacks boldness and clarity. Two ingredients required for a big vision to instigate big change. Indeed, the call we’re seeing from citizens is ‘system change not climate change.’
Read the full article on Ecohustler.